Saturday 9 June 2012

To Oliver on our anniversary

The things that I love about you

I love that you are tall, and when I am in a crowd all I have to do is look up and around and I will find you, that I can say whats going on and you are always able to see and tell me. I smile when I see you duck down when you go through a door that your not sure of, that I have to stand on tippy toes to kiss you and even then I cannot reach. I love your long thin stork legs because they make all of this possible, they make me feel like you are venerable but when I get close to you and you tower over me I know that you are not vulnerable in that way
I love that you are a man of few words, because when you do speak it is careful and measured and each word has been pondered over and selected specifically, around you is peace and not a great jumble of noise . You say what you mean and you tell the truth. Your words hold great value to me. You don’t always speak but you always understand and you hear a great deal more than other people because you listen. You seem to decide whether or not you will waste your words or not after you have weighed and measured people or circumstances ~ I like this about you very much.
I love to see you laugh, I love it when you cover your face with your arm when you collapse with laughter, the way your eyebrows go up and your eyes go round almost as if you are surprised and then the laughter bubbles up and out of you. I especially like it when you laugh at your very own private joke, that some people miss how astute you are and that in your secret but seldom unkind  way you are laughing at them.
I like that when you are cross with me or want to talk through something that you always start by telling me that you love me very much, that before you begin you make me feel reassured and safe, that you never tell me what to do but always make suggestions, you don’t tell me I am wrong or I did badly or failed, you talk to me about better ways of doing things and how we can tackle difficult situations together.
I love that money is unimportant to you and although you know and like nice things the pursuit of money is not one of your drivers. That you know who you are as a person and you know it has nothing to do with how much money you have in your pocket.  That you have the capacity to reassure me about all things financial and that my capacity to earn money is also unimportant to you, and that you really would rather I was happy.
I love that you value our relationship and you relationships with other people, that you guard those relationships  from harm and protect the people you love, that if I love someone you have the depth and capacity to gather them to you and include them in your loving. That you believe in family, that you know that you are not competing for my attention with either my sister or the children.
I love that you try very hard to trust, that your life experiences to date make this hard for you and mean you have to stretch yourself. To put yourself in an uneasy place and yet you do, you allow yourself to stand exposed growing in the trust that I am standing next to you.
I love the color of your eyes, and how they shift between somewhere near gold green and a fathomless brown, that just by looking into them I can read a hundred things that need no words, that you look at me with love, tenderness , care sometimes sadness and even pity, that sometimes there is desire and passion, but always you look at me the way a man is supposed to look at a woman, I love that when you look at me you see me, with all my defects and faults, my strengths and talents, the weakness’s and in your eyes I see that you love me, that because of the way you see me I feel like a woman, I feel beautiful and special, I feel both strong enough to be better and small enough to ask for help, to say carry me and I know you will.

These are some of the things that I love in you

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