Tuesday 25 October 2011

These are a few of my favorite things

These are a few of my favorite things

Hot buttered brown bread toast
Thunder storms & the sound of rain on a tin roof
BBC period drama’s
Snuggling in bed in winter
Staying up late
Driving with music
Standing alone in airports and imagining different lives
Laughing with the girls
Long hot baths
Roses, poppies, hydrangeas and stocks
Candles in churches, incense in temples,
Coffee, coffee and more coffee
Mazowe Orange – the only orange cordial in the world worth drinking
Grainy Cheddar
Having my face held when you kiss me
Seeing the seeds I ordered on amazon flower in my garden
Perfectly thin china mugs
A cup of tea after a funeral
Pablo Naruda poems read when your heart is breaking
Painting badly with gusto
Janet Hill’s beautiful paintings
Anything guided
The smell of yeast