Tuesday 13 March 2012

and then there was gratitude

This morning I sat under the shade of a guava tree on a granite rock, the rock was still cool from the night but the day was warming up around me as I rested. I wondered how old the rock was and from there I turned to thinking of my own age ~ I shall turn 36 this year. I wondered if you could select days or moments quite consciously  to remember, if you can I have selected this morning to remember and store as a treasure. This morning I knew peace and simplicity, I felt my body holding my soul and had gratitude that I am still young and strong. Not the strength of your twenties where nothing hurts and you take your youth and physical resilience for granted, but the sort of gratitude you have when some days you glimpse age and frailty in the pain in your back or the stiffness in your joints when you rise after sitting wrapping Christmas presents.
I sat this morning and thought this is a good age and a good time, I love a good man and am loved in return. I have seen enough to know fools gold from that which is real.  It is an age where if you are lucky you are still comfortably nestled between your parents and your children. I am still a student but I have also become a teacher.  Much like my body, which wasn’t what it was but has endured and strengthened so to has my mind, although I still have much to learn, I have some things of value to pass along – this is a good age and this morning was a good day.